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By Ivanka Repčáková, SYI Facebook Group Member
Hello everybody! 🙂 It is already few weeks I came back from Iran and I would like to share my experience with you. This destination was for a long time on my wishlist and my dream to explore this intriguing country already came true 🙂 Me with my friends have a lot of experiences from this trip and we are sure that we will visit this country one more time at least. It is full of awesome, helpful and communicative people, beautiful nature, breath-taking mosques and shrines, etc. Photos, which are below, are from Shiraz, and this is also the way how I would like to thank Ali Reza for accommodating us, guiding us to Persepolis and giving us the best falafel we have ever eaten for dinner. If you want stay in Shiraz, count on him! Iran is not only about culture, traditions and beautiful mosques, but especially about its people! 😉
Read more in See You in Iran facebook group