Press August 20, 2018 Le Monde: Etudiant iranien aux Etats-Unis, je suis affecté par le “Muslim Ban”Le Monde: "Etudiant iranien aux Etats-Unis, je suis affecté par le Muslim Ban" J’ai commencé en 2014 une thèse en… Webmaster Love21
Press August 15, 2018 Guardian: Sunset at Persepolis: Iranians fear Trump has killed tourism boomGuardian: Navid Yousefian, a 30-year-old entrepreneur, moved to Iran from the US a few years ago before setting up the… Webmaster Love19
Press August 12, 2018 PBS: U.S. pullout is blow to Iranians hoped for economic boostThis is a video report about "U.S. pullout is blow to Iranians who hoped for economic boost" from PBS: "President… Webmaster Love21