Traveling to Iran: A Good Way to Work on Peace.

By June 11, 2018 September 16th, 2019 Iran, Online Community

By Jeroen Neus, SYI Facebook Group Member

despite all the political trouble right now, I want to share my experiences of my journey to Iran with my 16 year old daughter and my 85 years old father. This ‘three generations’ trip opened our eyes. We’ve met so much love and hospitality! We stayed with locals, in little guesthouses or couchsurfing. It’s amazing what happens when people open their house and their hart. It was very special for my father (maybe one of his last travels?) and for my daughter. (and for me). We heard from first hand about the trouble of economic sanctions, the fear for the futere and sometimes for the government. I think traveling to Iran is a good way to work on peace. Just meeting people, exchange experiences and thoughts., make fun, cook together and stay in touch.
A lot of people in Holland, that I told about our trip, were surprised that is was even possible to travel in Iran, that is was an option for a holiday. Iranophobia is still big here. But I noticed a little change in their thougts when I spoke about my journey.
It was my first trip to Iran and we did the ‘classical touristic tour” (isfahan, Jazd, Shiraz). Next time I want to go to the north of Iran. I hope it will be easier in the future for Iranian people to travel also. And I hope I will meet some of you in Holland.

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