A life changing trip to Iran with my family

By April 21, 2018 September 16th, 2019 Iran, Online Community

By Chris Leludis Zezas, SYI Facebook Group Member

This was my first time traveling to Iran with my wife (who is Iranian) and my 1 1/2 year old son. I have traveled to several regions of the world but I must confess that this trip in particular was life changing for my family and I.
I have never experienced such kindness, innocence, and beauty until I visited Iran. During our stay we visited Tehran, Mashhad Ardehal (where my wife’s family owns a Bagh “summer home”) , Kashan, Esfahan, Qom, and Abyaneh. I posted some pictures below from our travel if anyone is interested.
During my time here I also learned that my wife and her family (Ardehali) are believed to be direct descendants of the prophet and that they are the 11th largest family in Iran.
I have truly fallen in love with Iran, its people, its culture, and its beauty. I look forward to going back very soon.

If anyone has any questions about the places I visited please let me know.

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Address: No. 2, Vahdati-Manesh (3rd) Dead End, South Kheradmand St., Karim Khan, Tehran

Address in Persian:
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Tel: +98 21 8883 2266

info -at- seeyouiniran -dot- org

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