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April 8, 2018

Really good time and a lot of Kebab

By Magali Van Reybroeck, SYI Facebook Group Member
I’m a girl who lives in Belgium, Europa. I went to Iran together with my boyfriend and he is from Shiraz, but he lives now more than 10years Belgium. It was Amazing! I love Iran! We wen’t to different places: Tehran, Shiraz, Kish, … And there are all so beautiful! I had a really good time, a lot of kebab

See You in Iran Hostel

Address: No. 2, Vahdati-Manesh (3rd) Dead End, South Kheradmand St., Karim Khan, Tehran

Address in Persian:
تهران، کریم‌خان، خردمند جنوبی، بن‌بست وحدتی‌منش، پلاک ۲

Tel: +98 21 8883 2266

info -at- seeyouiniran -dot- org

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