Press September 8, 2018 Phoenix TV: See You in IranThis is a video report about "See You in Iran" from Phoenix Webmaster Love21
Press August 20, 2018 Le Monde: Etudiant iranien aux Etats-Unis, je suis affecté par le “Muslim Ban”Le Monde: "Etudiant iranien aux Etats-Unis, je suis affecté par le Muslim Ban" J’ai commencé en 2014 une thèse en… Webmaster Love21
Press August 15, 2018 Guardian: Sunset at Persepolis: Iranians fear Trump has killed tourism boomGuardian: Navid Yousefian, a 30-year-old entrepreneur, moved to Iran from the US a few years ago before setting up the… Webmaster Love19
Press August 12, 2018 PBS: U.S. pullout is blow to Iranians hoped for economic boostThis is a video report about "U.S. pullout is blow to Iranians who hoped for economic boost" from PBS: "President… Webmaster Love21
Media August 5, 2018 Kurdish Mathematician Awarded “2018 Fields Medal”Congratulation to Kurdish mathematician, Caucher Birkar for winning the most prestigious math award at the "2018 Fields Medal" ceremony. After… Webmaster Love20
Press July 20, 2018 RoozArooz: A Facebook Group That Became A HostelThis is the video report about "See You in Iran, a Facebook group that became a hostel" from RoozArooz. گزارش… Webmaster Love17